The User Profile Service Failed To Logon Vista
- My new Dell computer running Vista Home Premium was working fine for about two weeks. Now I can't logon and receive the message that 'user profile cannot.
- 'User Profile Service service failed the logon. About setting up user accounts in Vista at the end. The User Profile Service failed the logon.
When you attempt to login to your account on Windows you receive the following error “The User Profile Service failed the logon” which is due to your user profile.
My new Dell computer running Vista Home Premium was working fine for about two weeks. Now I can't logon and receive the message that 'user profile cannot be loaded.' I can't receive any support form Microsoft because I can't access my ID number for Vista Home Premium. I contacted Dell but so far haven't received any solution to this problem. I did find on Dell Support community forum Article ID 316063 dated that seemed to address this problem.
It gave a step-by-step listing to perform a System Restore in the Window Recovery Environment. Can someone confirm whether this listing is the way to resolve this logon problem? My new Dell computer running Vista Home Premium was working fine for about two weeks. Now I can't logon and receive the message that 'user profile cannot be loaded.'
I can't receive any support form Microsoft because I can't access my ID number for Vista Home Premium. I contacted Dell but so far haven't received any solution to this problem. I did find on Dell Support community forum Article ID 316063 dated that seemed to address this problem. It gave a step-by-step listing to perform a System Restore in the Window Recovery Environment.
User Profile Service Failed Logon Vista
Can someone confirm whether this listing is the way to resolve this logon problem? My new Dell computer running Vista Home Premium was working fine for about two weeks.
Now I can't logon and receive the message that 'user profile cannot be loaded.' I can't receive any support form Microsoft because I can't access my ID number for Vista Home Premium. I contacted Dell but so far haven't received any solution to this problem. I did find on Dell Support community forum Article ID 316063 dated that seemed to address this problem. It gave a step-by-step listing to perform a System Restore in the Window Recovery Environment.
User Profile Service Failed The Logon
Can someone confirm whether this listing is the way to resolve this logon problem?