
Ansys Workbench Manual Rezoning

Ansys Workbench Manual Rezoning 3,5/5 5698 reviews

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What is Mesh Nonlinear Adaptivity? ANSYSMany FEA applications can benefit from the ability to strategically modify a mesh during solution, in order to simulate. May 2015 Workbench v16 Update. ANSYS User Meeting Automatic Rezoning •Manual Rezoning fully implemented in MAPDL.

Hi, I'm trying to eliminate distortion in mesh caused by high strain. The analysis is a Static Structural and I stop the solution before divergence. I use the following code and successfully generate a refined mesh. The problem is, when the last line is executed, refined mesh vanishes and old mesh appears. What's wrong in my procedure? Thank you for quick reply.


/clear,nostart /file,compresion! Reload the ANSYS database /solu! Enter solution environment rezone,manual,1,2011! Start rezoning at load step1, substep 4 eplot! Plot the elements remesh,start! Start remeshing ESEL,S,TYPE,1!

Ansys workbench manualManual

Select only the elements of type ‘1’(solids) aremesh,-1! Create area for new mesh. I manually use Mesh Control/Mesh Tool, select the area, and mesh it esel,all nsel,all remesh,finish! Finish remeshing, autogenerate contacts mapsolve,50,pause! Do state variable mapping fini /solu! Enter solution environment antype,restart!

Ansys Workbench Displacement

Multiframe restart.